Wednesday 2 December 2015

Leuca Indica (Thumba) തുമ്പ

The very small flowers, to the tune of 6 to 8 mm are milky white in color.The flower is native to Kerala and rarely found outside Kerala. Ayurvedic medicines use the whole plant for different medicines. The flower has religious importance too. It is believed that Lord Krishna especially loved this flower.

  • Throat pain or tonsillitis:  Grind some Thumba leaves, few black pepper &  garlic 
  • Fever: 20 gms juice of Thumba leaves&10 gms black pepper powder, take it for 3-4 days          
  • For Jaundices,small foreign bodies in eyes use 2-3 drops of thumba leaves juices
  • Diabetic: Take daily 10 gms thumba juice with 2 black pepper.
  • Throat infection for small children: 1spoon thumba juice with honey

This plant is used for snake poison  also. 

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