Wednesday 2 December 2015

Common Lantana (Arippoov) അരിപ്പൂ

Lantana  camara  Linn.  is  a  flowering  ornamental  plant belonging to family Verbenaceae. L. camara is also known as Lantana, Wild Sage, Surinam Tea Plant, Spanish flag and West  Indian  lantana. L.  camara  is  a  well  known  medicinal plant  in  traditional  medicinal  system  and  recent  scientific studies  have  emphasized  the  possible  use  of L.  camara  in modern medicine.

  • Pound leaves and place on skin or put a handful of fresh leaves in a mesh bag and dip in your water bath.soothes insect stings, the itch of chicken pox and measles and other skin eruptions, cuts, scrapes, ulcerations and scabies.  The water bath also relieves symptoms of rheumatism
  • In folklore, the crushed leaves of the lantana is effective in snakebite case.  It is directly applied on the bitten area.
  • As a tea, lantana leaves can be used for relief from headaches, fever, flu, coughs, colds toothaches and indigestion.  It also relieves the symptoms of rheumatism and other joint pains. 
  • Use pounded fresh leaves applied as poultice for sprains, wounds and contusions.
  • To use as an inhalant for respiratory problems: Pound lantana leaves. Boil in water for 5 minutes using a tight fitting lid. Uncover and inhale the steam directly from the pot or pour into a container with a narrow mouth and inhale the steam.
  • The dried lantana leaves that have been burned in a glass jar is also known to be a natural mosquito repellent. On the other hand, the crushed leaves is used as a furniture polish.
  • The lantana leaves are also known to be antiphlogistic, anti-dermatoses and have a cooling effect.
  • The roots of the lantana are known to be refrigerant and antifebrile.
  • The decoction of dried roots are used for gonorrhea, cough, mumps, malaria and influenza.
  • Flowers known to be hemostatic and the decoction of dried flowers is used for hemoptysis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

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