Friday 11 December 2015

Wild turmeric (kasthuri manjal) കസ്തൂരി മഞ്ഞൾ

Wild turmeric is an important ingredient in any ayurvedic skin care product. It has anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties. The yellow pigment in the turmeric makes the skin brighter. It also helps in removing facial hair and pimple marks, when used for a longer time. Ladies used to apply turmeric paste on their body before taking bath ages before, to give a glow to their skin. This ritual is even now followed in marriage ceremonies in India.

well-known beauty recipes with Kasthuri Manjal:

  • During pregnancy, apply a paste of Kasturi Manjal to your lower belly every other day to avoid getting stretch marks. 
  • Prepare a mix of Honey and Turmeric and apply this mask on your face to get glowing skin. 
  • Prepare a paste with Kasturi Manjal and luke warm coconut oil and apply on face to reduce unwanted hair growth. 
  • A mix of Kasthuri manjal and sandal wood powder can cure acne if applied regularly. Rub the mix on affected skin area and wash off after 30 minutes. 
  • Apply a mix of sugar cane juice and Kasthuri Manjal on your face and wash of after 20 minutes to treat wrinkles.
  • Another mix of buttermilk and Kasthuri manjal applied near our eyes can eliminate the wrinkles and marks.

Monday 7 December 2015

Vinca rosea ( shavam nari) ശവം നാറി

Vinca rosea(Shavam nari) belongs to family Apocynaceae. It s medicinal uses have been discovered in the recent times. The common names of the herb are Periwinkle, Sadabahar, Madagaskar Periwinkle and Rosy Periwinkle. The herb mostly grows in waste lands and sandy places. Roots and leaves are used in medicines. The herb has various medicinal importance. It contains various alkaloids which are sedative, hypotensive, tranquilizer and anti-cancerous.
Medicinal Uses of Vinca rosea
   The herb has following medicinal properties:
  • Anti-carcinogenic – The herb has two anti-carcinogenic compounds such as vincristine and vinblastine which have been found to be effective in the cure of various types of cancers.
  • Anti-diabetic – The herb is also effective in the treatment of diabetes as it has the property to lower the blood sugar.
  • Hypotensive – Vinca lowers the blood pressure in high blood pressure patients.
  • Sedative – The herb has calming properties and also relieves from the depression like symptoms.
  • Tranquilizer – Vinca relieves anxiety, thus it has tranquilizing properties.
Vinca rosea also helps in relieving depression of central nervous system, muscle pain and wasps stings. Herbal remedies made with this herb help relieve toothache, memory loss and blood circulation. It also has other benefits like the herb is used for fragrance and also for dyeing.
Caution for Vinca rosea
  • The herb should not be administered self.
  • Pregnant women should avoid taking this herb.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Common Lantana (Arippoov) അരിപ്പൂ

Lantana  camara  Linn.  is  a  flowering  ornamental  plant belonging to family Verbenaceae. L. camara is also known as Lantana, Wild Sage, Surinam Tea Plant, Spanish flag and West  Indian  lantana. L.  camara  is  a  well  known  medicinal plant  in  traditional  medicinal  system  and  recent  scientific studies  have  emphasized  the  possible  use  of L.  camara  in modern medicine.

  • Pound leaves and place on skin or put a handful of fresh leaves in a mesh bag and dip in your water bath.soothes insect stings, the itch of chicken pox and measles and other skin eruptions, cuts, scrapes, ulcerations and scabies.  The water bath also relieves symptoms of rheumatism
  • In folklore, the crushed leaves of the lantana is effective in snakebite case.  It is directly applied on the bitten area.
  • As a tea, lantana leaves can be used for relief from headaches, fever, flu, coughs, colds toothaches and indigestion.  It also relieves the symptoms of rheumatism and other joint pains. 
  • Use pounded fresh leaves applied as poultice for sprains, wounds and contusions.
  • To use as an inhalant for respiratory problems: Pound lantana leaves. Boil in water for 5 minutes using a tight fitting lid. Uncover and inhale the steam directly from the pot or pour into a container with a narrow mouth and inhale the steam.
  • The dried lantana leaves that have been burned in a glass jar is also known to be a natural mosquito repellent. On the other hand, the crushed leaves is used as a furniture polish.
  • The lantana leaves are also known to be antiphlogistic, anti-dermatoses and have a cooling effect.
  • The roots of the lantana are known to be refrigerant and antifebrile.
  • The decoction of dried roots are used for gonorrhea, cough, mumps, malaria and influenza.
  • Flowers known to be hemostatic and the decoction of dried flowers is used for hemoptysis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Leuca Indica (Thumba) തുമ്പ

The very small flowers, to the tune of 6 to 8 mm are milky white in color.The flower is native to Kerala and rarely found outside Kerala. Ayurvedic medicines use the whole plant for different medicines. The flower has religious importance too. It is believed that Lord Krishna especially loved this flower.

  • Throat pain or tonsillitis:  Grind some Thumba leaves, few black pepper &  garlic 
  • Fever: 20 gms juice of Thumba leaves&10 gms black pepper powder, take it for 3-4 days          
  • For Jaundices,small foreign bodies in eyes use 2-3 drops of thumba leaves juices
  • Diabetic: Take daily 10 gms thumba juice with 2 black pepper.
  • Throat infection for small children: 1spoon thumba juice with honey

This plant is used for snake poison  also. 

Birds Eye Chilli (Kanthari Mulaku) കാന്താരി മുളക്

Birds Eye Chilli are perennial crop in Kerala which can be cultivated or naturally germinated by bird dropping. It is an erect, branched and half-woody plant, growing to a height of 0.5 to 1meter. It is an introduced plant; Native Americans have used this plant as both food and medicine for at least 9,000 years.
  • It reduces Blood sugar.
  • It lowers cholesterol and works against arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Capsaicin has very powerful pain-relieving properties.
  • It increases appetite by stimulating the gut.
  • Various studies show that birds eye chilli has antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial activities.
  • It is also reported that it prevents blood clots, halts bleeding quickly, knocks out cold and flu miseries.
  • It also reduces risk of heart diseases and tuberculosis.


Birds Eye Chilli may cause stomach irritation for the persons with ulcers or heart burn, Capsaicin can increase stomach acid, making certain drugs less effective.

Eclipta prostrata (Kayyonni) കയ്യോന്നി

Eclipta Alba has been traditionally used in folk medicine, both Ayurvedhaand Siddha.

  • Dehydration: The juice of Eclipta Alba leaves when mixed with honey helps in overcoming dehydration caused by loose motion.
  • Alopecia: The entire plant is used to make a paste and applied on the scalp where hair is lost. It must be repeated for 100 days regularly for better results. The paste should be allowed to stay for one hour before washing off with normal water.
  • Jaundice: A mixture of Eclipta leaves, black pepper, and relieved can be made and consumed for relieving jaundice. It has to be consumed for 4-5 days.
  • Toothache: The juice of the leaves can be applied on the gums for getting relief from toothache.
  • Headache: The juice of the plant when mixed with oil and massaged on the scalp relieves headache.
  • Elephantiasis: The juice of the Eclipta Plant can be mixed with sesame oil and massaged on swollen feet. It provides relief from swelling and pain.
  • Eclipta Alba juice is used to make hair oil which is effective in controlling several problems related to hair like dandruff, hair falling and hair thinning etc.
  • Antimicrobial effects: Extracts of Eclipta Alba is used for relieving infections. It fights against all micro organisms which cause boils, infections and inflammations.
  • Anticancer properties: Extraction of Eclipta Alba is useful in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
  • Insecticide: The extracts of Eclipta Alba are effective as an insecticide and provide an alternative to chemical pesticides. Pest control can be done in an eco-friendly way.
  • The juice of the leaves is used to make kajal which is useful in relieving ailments related to eyes.
  • In Siddha medicine it is used to relieve several diseases. Popular liver tonic with the name Liv.52 contains this herb.
  • A black dye which is obtained from the plant is used for tattooing and hair dyeing.